Nothing: Kaden and Marina

Fan Art

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E-mail me your picture, if you want it displayed on here.
Let's make a contest, shall we?  Submit fan art, and win!  I'm not sure what the prize will be besides that your winning pic will be announced and displayed on the site.  All entries will be displayed, as well, but yunno, like all winning things ... they have more attention drawn to them.
I'm also looking for a logo.  I have an idea, but I wanna see what kinda ideas you guys have.
Click on the picture for a bigger one (and believe me, the bigger one's are way prettier), and click on the name to go to the artist's art ... place.


This fan art was drawn by Annamoo.
Ami:  Isn't it fantabulous??!?!  She draws
better than me!  I can't stop staring at the
picture.  It's so wonderful!


This fan art was made by my little brother, Invader_Zim.

Ami:  This pic was "made" by my 9 year
old bro (he's so cute xD).


This fan art was made by BlackRoses.
Ami: :D  Isn't it great??  Awesome hands,
and I love the colouring. =^____^=


This fan art was made by my older sister, Animagess.
Ami:  Doesn't Kaden look so COOL?!?! He's like,
Kaden McCool ... or something.  Aren't you lovin'
his pants?  My sis has an actualy comic that's she's
selling (it's a detective film noir genre) ... and she has
tons of money becuase of it 0_o


This fan art was made by YanYanCHAN.
Ami: Isn't it so cute?!?!?!?  By the words of YanYanCHAN: This pic is supposed to be a pic of Kaden and Marina making fun of No Name Product because he gained a lot (200 pounds) of weight.  Isn't that hilarious?? xD  *Loves, loves* 


This fan art is made by Eternal.
Ami:  Doesn't Kaden look so cooooooooool?!
Look at his grinny grin grin!!  I love his hair, and


This piece of fan art was made by GurlNinja.

Ami:  It's Marina with her hair down!   Doesn't she look so pretty?  I love the angle of this picture.


This piece of fan art was made by Chinese_Fairy_Firetruck_NC.

Ami:  Isn't this so adorable?  It's Marina secretly hugging her Kaden plushie, and getting caught!  Neee, Marina is so pretty.



This piece of fanart was made by my friend (in real life), HyperAnimeKittyGirl.
Ami: Isn't this one so cute???  I love the street sign with No Name on top.  Kaden looks so cute ... !


This piece was made by my good friend, Shanelle

Ami:  Isn't this so adorable, ne??  They're little plushies!!  Isn't No name so cute?? I want a No Name plushie, now!!

© 2005 - 2006 and still going! All rights reserved... or else.
Unauthorized use of my comics or anything off this site (unless if I say it's free) for your own reasons shall leave you in Kaden and Marina's care ... and I'll arm them both with a blender, a spork, two rolls of duct tape, and a camera. 

Isn't nothing ... so great?