
As you can probably guess, I will be no longer updating this site. No part
of it. I've basically lost my inspiration of doing these comics - it was fun while it lasted, though. I'm surprised
how many "hits" I got for this site. That's a lot for being nothing.
Thanks for those who were loyal and kept coming back.
Kaden, No Name and Marina say good bye.
Marina: More like good riddance.
- Ami
SATURDAY, March 3rd, 2007, 9:00 AM
_________________________________________ Happy I-Actually-Updated-Day! It isn't
much. It's just a cover I should've draw a couple months ago. Actually, I did, and I finally uploaded it today.
It's black-and-white 'cause it looks cool (not really, I was just really lazy when I drew the picture). Marina in wolf
form is not yet in a comic, but there she is. No Name looks like a blob-of-unartistic-ability.
Oh, by the way, speaking of covers, the next person to grab a screenshot of the 3333rd hit, you get to decide what the
next cover should be (though it hast to do something with Kaden, Marina, or No Name).
Sorry I'm being a bad web-comic host!
- Ami
TUESDAY, September 6th, 2006. 4:43 PM _________________________________________ Happy August
1st everyone! I just got back from my friend's party... uuum. Updated the Interview section; I got an excellent
question from Yuki Okada!
8:06: Heeey, I actually updated! TWICE. [GASP]. Added another page of the Death comic.
Death appearance [gasp]. Also one Nothing comic ...
OH YEAH. Happy 1st Anniversay of the Nothing site!! It was on July 12th ... haha, I ignore my site too much.
- Ami
TUESDAY, Augast 1, 2006. 5:34 PM _________________________________________ Wow, it actually
got past 2222? Guess I've got to finally make a cover, hahaha.
Been working hard on the Death comic lately (just got past my 20th page after a month+'s passing!). Speaking of
the Death comic, it's read right to left, ahhahaa. A little late, yea, I know.
Sorry for not updating quickly enough. Aside from the Death comic, I've been renovating my room, and it's not done
- Ami
WEDNESDAY, July 25, 2006. 6:13 PM _________________________________________ Just got back from Animethon
13. It was pretty sweet. I met PikminLink, talked, got a picture [cough]gotmyWindWakergamesigned[cough].
You wouldn't believe
how happy I was (thankyou PikminLink!!!).
ANYWAY... I updated the Death comic. By the way, does anybody have a good idea for the name for the thing?
I hate "Being Death". Just contact me if you have an idea.
Oh, I added the links to the pages for the Death comic in the Comic Quick Jump (sorry people, who had to go through the
stupid cover thingy).
- Ami
WEDNESDAY, July 12, 2006. 6:55 PM _________________________________________ Exam week over already?
That's too bad ...
Na, na, I'm only joking.
Updation complete!
- Ami
MONDAY, June 27, 2006. 7:25 PM _________________________________________ Hey, I found a
new way so I can update more comics! I've changed the format of my comic to those four-panel types. This way,
it's much easier for me, because a huge blockage-thing for me is having to fill all the little squares.
Sorry I havn't updated Being Death. I don't think I will until my sister leaves so I can hook up the scanner to
my computer.
Updated by the way.
- Ami
SUNDAY, June 25, 2006. 7:42 PM _________________________________________ Like my layout? I
do, too. Change is nice.
Anyway, put up another question that was way past due.
I hope you liked the first page of Being Death. I plan to upload more,
but my sister is on the computer right now, and she probably wouldn't let me use the scanner. I'll probably redraw the
comic on the computer so it looks nicer (my scanner isn't the greatest), so wait for that.
- Ami
MONDAY, June 6, 2006. 8:11 PM _________________________________________ Hey, I actually updated!
But not the Nothing comic. I've begun to upload the comic short that I've been talking about. It's much easier
to keep going with a comic when it's not drawn on the computer. The only thing that might keep me back is the tedious
scanning. Anyway, the comic title is called "Being Death".
And if you're thinking I've forgotten about Nothing, I haven't. I always think about it, it's just that I haven't
had much inspiration/motivation to draw any comics on the computer.
The first page isn't much, but I'll try and upload the rest later.
- Ami
SATURDAY, June 3, 2006. 8:17 PM _________________________________________
... I'm surprised the counter is still going up. Thank you to all those who are faithful and keep coming back even
though I'm buried in comic-blockness. Actually, just comedy-wise. I'm working on a comic with the classic pencil
and paper that actually involves Kaden. A little Marina, too, but Kaden's the main character. It's about Kaden,
who's Mom has recently passed away, and shortly after that, he's visited by his Godfather (because Kaden's parents are gone
... his Dad just ran away some where). He's normal, 'cept that he's DEATH, and he's going on a vacation, so DEATH/Godfather
leaves Kaden with the job, where he severly learns the meaning of life and death (he doesn't it take it seriously prior to
getting the job). This is a huge project (I plan to even draw backgrounds!!), and so far, it's taken about two weeks
to draw three pages ... I'm hoping it'll be good, and I'll be uploading it when I'm done, so bear with the hiatus of the site,
but please keep visiting!! I might surprise you guys with a comic for once >_<
- Ami
FRIDAY, May 19, 2006. 8:03 PM _________________________________________
you haven't noticed, I'm in a comic-idea-block sorta thing. If anyone has any ideas, please e-mail me or something.
I've been thinking of some ideas, but they're not good enough, so yeah ... I'm still alive, even though I haven't done
a thing in a month. Sorry, hehe.
- Ami
MONDAY, May 1, 2006. 6:34 PM _________________________________________ Hahaha,
sorry ... I said I updated, and I did, but some o' you said there isn't any update in the Comic Quick Jump ... sometimes I
forget to add the links to the new comics there ... if I say I update, and there isn't any link in the Quick Jump, go to the
last comic there and then use the "Next/Previous" links.
Sorry, again. I fixed it.
- Ami
FRIDAY, March 24, 2006. 12:44 PM _________________________________________ I got a No Name plushie
from my good friend, Rei-sama!!! IT. IS. SO. CUTE. Now I sleep with two stuffies -- my three-year old rabbit Ryou
(also known as 'Usagi' but pronounced "you-say-gee" instead of "you-saw-ghee"), and now No Name! I'll try and post a picture
of him later!!
Made an animation, too, and I ... gasp,
did a comic!! Two 1/2 pages! Erm, oh yeah. For all those who clicked on the "Ochiba" link, thanks a million!!!
I won second place!!! Woo hoooooooo!!! [Hugs to you all]
- Ami
FRIDAY, MArch.16, 2006. 6:45 PM _________________________________________
UPDATE, WOOOO!! OKay, three questions up
on the Interview section, and a fan art!Wow, I actually got a comic that's holiday based on time! This one's a Valentines
comic, of course. See Marina be super nice!! Yeah, you guys already know Marina and Kaden love each other,
right? Well, they do ... it's just that this comic isn't about that. No "Kagome/Inu" thing where they pretend
they love each other, because that annoys me. What did it take, like 100 eppies just to get them to admit they like
each other?? Whatever. Anyway, enjoy!!
- Ami
MONDAY, FEBRAURY 13, 2006. 8:33 PM _________________________________________
I UPDATED!!! And not a half-hearted doodle comic, either! In fact, I kind of like this one. Show's quite a bit of Kaden's
personality, and Marina actually tries to help, for once ... Hahaha, I'm happy for myself, I updated. Yay!
- Ami
SATURDAY, January 28th, 2006. 9:29 PM _________________________________________
New Years!
And perhaphs Happy New Update Finally? But this comic sucks, man, I think I'm losing it. Anyway, thing'll
be quiet for the next week. Got science fair project presentations on Monday, then my Macbeth project for Monday as
well, and then a math test on Tuesday ... and other stuff like piano stuck in there as well. Hope you guys don't hate
me! Not really sure when the next update will be ... hopefully soon. If you have any ideas, please send them to
me! Credit will go to you, of course.
Keep clicking on the Ochiba link!
- Ami
FRIDAY, January 6th, 2006. 9:26 PM _________________________________________ Hahaha,
I am so SAD. I haven't updated a comic for over a month, now. I might have to put this site on hiatus because
I've been so absent! It's the holidays, and I still don't have enough time to get on the comp to draw a comic. I'll
probably end up doing a Christmas and New Years comic in February ... oi. Keep clicking on the Ochiba.net link to support
me ... yay!
- Ami
FRIDAY, December 30th, 2005. 9:58 PM _________________________________________ [Sobs some more] But no, I'm not sobbing out of sadness, I'm sobbing out of joy!!!
Why? Because I updated!! [Does jumping jacks] Yeah, but it's only a cover ... [sobs]. I'm supposed to be doing homework
... but I did this instead [shifty eyes]. Don't tell anyone ...
[Sneaks away]
- Ami
WEDNESDAY, December 14th, 2005. 9:03 PM _________________________________________ [Sobs
some more] I think about this site every day, and how deprived it is... it's so lonely. When was the last
time I actually updated? [Scrolls down]. Wow. November 25th. What's that? 20 days ago? I'm mid-way
into the cover that was due almost a month ago ... Oi. Homeworks a drag, but it's understandable... right? Just
coming in to say a little hello ... see that little Ochiba.net picture up there? Support me by just visiting it.
My 'kakis are on there, but they suck, okay? If I get enough people to click on it, I'll win money and giant pocky.
And if I do, I'll probably draw a really, really cool GIF (animation) or something!! Support me please!
- Ami
TUESDAY, December 13th, 2005. 8:00PM _________________________________________
So sorry I haven't been updating ... things will be getting a bit rough here until Christmas. Psychoanalysis, science
quizzes, church stuff, and other ... pain. I'm just telling you I'm alive (barely), so hang in there ... [SOB!!]
- Ami
TUESDAY, December 6th, 2005. 8:39PM _________________________________________ Update
Power!!!! Yeah [ahem]. The first chapter of the "If Nothing was ..." mini series. Just to let you know,
these chapters won't be consecutive or anything... it's nothing really "apart" from N:KM. If you don't know what "If
Nothing were ... a Teacher" is by the title, then I'll explain it to you. Basically, I take the characters and put them
in different jobs, or something... yeah ... enjoy [shifty eyes].
- Ami
FRIDAY, November 25th, 2005. 10:44PM _________________________________________ Wow.
Was the last time I updated October 12th? How time flies, geez. Sorry I haven't been updating. Homework
has been eating my soul.
Got a comic page up, I hope it doesn't offend anyone ... [sweatdrop]. I
also have a new question up, today. Just to let you dudes know, I'll probably update every Friday or so, depending on
some circumstances (circumstances that eat my soul!!)
- Ami
FRIDAY, November 18th, 2005. 10:56PM _________________________________________
SO. MUCH. LINKING!!!! Gaah ... just three pages of comics takes so much
work. And ... Arms. Like. NOODLES! I was doing babysitting at the nursery at my church today, and this kid wanted
me to hold her a bunch. Real cute baby, but my arms got really sore ... ANYWAY. This comic includes a guest star!!
My friend HyperAnimeKittyGirl asked me to draw a comic with her hyper anime kitty girl in it ... so, yeah. Go check
it out! If you want to see more drawings of the hyper anime kitty girl by HyperAnimeKittyGirl, please go to the fan
art section and the link will take you to her Deviant Art account.
- Ami
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 2005. 10:56PM _________________________________________ Okay,
I added a cover, but I hate it [sweatdrop]. It's RPG style ... but it sucks, anyway .... oh well, I don't care!!
Hehhee ... well, you enjoy it then.
I think I'm late, but, "Happy Birthday, Rei-sama's little brother!!" Enjoy
your Beyblade mangas! Or, "Sheng ri qui le"... Happy birthday in Chinese I think.
- Ami
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 2005. 10:54PM _________________________________________ Truly
amazing: I have no homework, and it's the long weekend. I should be zipping across the ceiling! I have two comics
for you, FINALLY. I'll be working on a cover now, so expect that soon ... yes, we're in the 1000s!! That means it'll be
a longer interval between cover posts. 1111, 2222 ... I'll have to wait for 1000 hits. Thanks so much, folks!
Later days!
- Ami
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 2005. 10:54PM _________________________________________ [Sweatdrop]
Yeah ... um ... it's time for me to draw another cover, and I'm outta ideas. I'll probably have to draw another one
of those "based on another character" drawings where they're in somone else's clothing ...
Thanks for givin' me a 1000 hits. I really need to get a bunch of comics
up, 'cause ... well, three covers in a row sucks.
I added fan art; go check!
Later days,
- Ami
MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 2005. 8:28 PM _________________________________________
Friday!! Finally, I got a chance to upload a comic ... sorry things have been a bit slow, folks. It's only one
page, so I hope I'll get some more comics up 'cause I have some ideas. Look out for a mini-series called "If Nothing
was ... ". I'm not going to tell you what it is, exactly, because it's a surprise!!
- Ami
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 2005. 9:43 PM _________________________________________ Oi.
Finally, Friday. I've had three tests, already... science is one, of course.
Anyway!! I added two more comics - Halloween related.
Have fun with it.
I have a few more ideas that I'm hoping to elaborate enough to get it on digital
- Ami
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 2005. 11:08 PM _________________________________________ 9:19:
Added the cover ... !! No Name's all yellow 'an funny looking!!
Sorry I haven't been updating ... been so busy [cough]science[cough].
I've finally finished driver's ed. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Um... yeah, I'd better go work on another cover (thanks for the 888 hits, nice!!!).
I hope I'll make it to 1111 hits. You guys'll do that for me, right? Right??
- Ami
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23th, 2005. 1:43 PM _________________________________________
hee! Ignore the bottom part of this update, for I have uploaded three comics!! Well, the third is just one of those
ending pictures, but whatever. This one is dedicated to Rei-sama's younger brother!! He's lucky as well, 'cause
his comic is my 50th comic, wooo!! Celebrate good times, come on! [Sing, lala].... yeah, well enjoy the new comics!
I'm going to go add two more questions, so check out those ones, too!
Waaai ... I'm so sorry I haven't been updating!!
There's already been 70 people here since the last time I've updated ... I've been so busy!! I even have two interview questions
I still haven't uploaded. So whoever sent me a question and wasn't posted, then don't fret, I haven't forgotten about you.
And I had gotten a request from Rei-sama's brother to draw a certain comic, and I haven't gotten around to doing THAT yet!!
[Cry, cry] I'll try and get to doing a comic, but I have so much homework ... midterms coming up.
That was a long update about doing nothing ...
- Ami
MONDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 2005. 8:15 PM _________________________________________ Yaaaay,
777 hits ... wooo .... !
This calls for an iPod inspired cover! What do I mean? Well, go check
it out yourself.
Thanks again!
- Ami
MONDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 2005. 2:16 PM _________________________________________
Thansgiving!! Well, it's not that time yet ... but I just made a short comic and Marina preparing thanksgiving dinner!!
Please enjoy my comic, and your turkey dinner!!
... it's close to 50 comics and my 777th hit!! Love you guys.
- Ami
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 2005. 9:58 PM _________________________________________ Okay,
uploaded two more comic pages ... Lita-sama's (creator of Marina) birthday was yesterday!! Happy birthday, Lita-sama!!
[Hugs] Oh yeah, and there's another question in the Interview section.
- Ami
MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 2005. 10:02 PM _________________________________________
so sorry I haven't been drawing anything!!! But finally, I have!! Two comics. I've been so bogged down with
homework ... and I'm gonna go on a spiritual retreat this weekend. Hopefully next week I'll have more time to draw!!
- Ami
THURSDAY, September 29, 2005. 10:21PM _________________________________________ I
got two more fan art!! They're really cute.
- Ami
PS. Gotta study, gotta study!!
THURSDAY, September 22, 2005.
8:51 PM _________________________________________
Happy August 1st everyone! I just got back from my friend's party... uuum. Updated the
Interview section; I got an excellent question from Yuki Okada!
- Ami
TUESDAY, Augast 1, 2006. 5:34 PM _________________________________________ Wow, it actually got past 2222? Guess I've got to finally make a cover, hahaha.
Been working hard on the Death comic lately (just got past my 20th page after a month+'s passing!). Speaking of
the Death comic, it's read right to left, ahhahaa. A little late, yea, I know.
Sorry for not updating quickly enough. Aside from the Death comic, I've been renovating my room, and it's not done
- Ami
WEDNESDAY, July 25, 2006. 6:13 PM _________________________________________ Just got back from Animethon
13. It was pretty sweet. I met PikminLink, talked, got a picture [cough]gotmyWindWakergamesigned[cough].
You wouldn't believe
how happy I was (thankyou PikminLink!!!).
ANYWAY... I updated the Death comic. By the way, does anybody have a good idea for the name for the thing?
I hate "Being Death". Just contact me if you have an idea.
Oh, I added the links to the pages for the Death comic in the Comic Quick Jump (sorry people, who had to go through the
stupid cover thingy).
- Ami
WEDNESDAY, July 12, 2006. 6:55 PM _________________________________________ Exam week over already?
That's too bad ...
Na, na, I'm only joking.
Updation complete!
- Ami
MONDAY, June 27, 2006. 7:25 PM _________________________________________ Hey, I found a
new way so I can update more comics! I've changed the format of my comic to those four-panel types. This way,
it's much easier for me, because a huge blockage-thing for me is having to fill all the little squares.
Sorry I havn't updated Being Death. I don't think I will until my sister leaves so I can hook up the scanner to
my computer.
Updated by the way.
- Ami
SUNDAY, June 25, 2006. 7:42 PM _________________________________________ Like my layout? I
do, too. Change is nice.
Anyway, put up another question that was way past due.
I hope you liked the first page of Being Death. I plan to upload more,
but my sister is on the computer right now, and she probably wouldn't let me use the scanner. I'll probably redraw the
comic on the computer so it looks nicer (my scanner isn't the greatest), so wait for that.
- Ami
MONDAY, June 6, 2006. 8:11 PM _________________________________________ Hey, I actually updated!
But not the Nothing comic. I've begun to upload the comic short that I've been talking about. It's much easier
to keep going with a comic when it's not drawn on the computer. The only thing that might keep me back is the tedious
scanning. Anyway, the comic title is called "Being Death".
And if you're thinking I've forgotten about Nothing, I haven't. I always think about it, it's just that I haven't
had much inspiration/motivation to draw any comics on the computer.
The first page isn't much, but I'll try and upload the rest later.
- Ami
SATURDAY, June 3, 2006. 8:17 PM _________________________________________
... I'm surprised the counter is still going up. Thank you to all those who are faithful and keep coming back even
though I'm buried in comic-blockness. Actually, just comedy-wise. I'm working on a comic with the classic pencil
and paper that actually involves Kaden. A little Marina, too, but Kaden's the main character. It's about Kaden,
who's Mom has recently passed away, and shortly after that, he's visited by his Godfather (because Kaden's parents are gone
... his Dad just ran away some where). He's normal, 'cept that he's DEATH, and he's going on a vacation, so DEATH/Godfather
leaves Kaden with the job, where he severly learns the meaning of life and death (he doesn't it take it seriously prior to
getting the job). This is a huge project (I plan to even draw backgrounds!!), and so far, it's taken about two weeks
to draw three pages ... I'm hoping it'll be good, and I'll be uploading it when I'm done, so bear with the hiatus of the site,
but please keep visiting!! I might surprise you guys with a comic for once >_<
- Ami
FRIDAY, May 19, 2006. 8:03 PM _________________________________________
you haven't noticed, I'm in a comic-idea-block sorta thing. If anyone has any ideas, please e-mail me or something.
I've been thinking of some ideas, but they're not good enough, so yeah ... I'm still alive, even though I haven't done
a thing in a month. Sorry, hehe.
- Ami
MONDAY, May 1, 2006. 6:34 PM _________________________________________ Hahaha,
sorry ... I said I updated, and I did, but some o' you said there isn't any update in the Comic Quick Jump ... sometimes I
forget to add the links to the new comics there ... if I say I update, and there isn't any link in the Quick Jump, go to the
last comic there and then use the "Next/Previous" links.
Sorry, again. I fixed it.
- Ami
FRIDAY, March 24, 2006. 12:44 PM _________________________________________ I got a No Name plushie
from my good friend, Rei-sama!!! IT. IS. SO. CUTE. Now I sleep with two stuffies -- my three-year old rabbit Ryou
(also known as 'Usagi' but pronounced "you-say-gee" instead of "you-saw-ghee"), and now No Name! I'll try and post a picture
of him later!!
Made an animation, too, and I ... gasp,
did a comic!! Two 1/2 pages! Erm, oh yeah. For all those who clicked on the "Ochiba" link, thanks a million!!!
I won second place!!! Woo hoooooooo!!! [Hugs to you all]
- Ami
FRIDAY, MArch.16, 2006. 6:45 PM _________________________________________
UPDATE, WOOOO!! OKay, three questions up
on the Interview section, and a fan art!Wow, I actually got a comic that's holiday based on time! This one's a Valentines
comic, of course. See Marina be super nice!! Yeah, you guys already know Marina and Kaden love each other,
right? Well, they do ... it's just that this comic isn't about that. No "Kagome/Inu" thing where they pretend
they love each other, because that annoys me. What did it take, like 100 eppies just to get them to admit they like
each other?? Whatever. Anyway, enjoy!!
- Ami
MONDAY, FEBRAURY 13, 2006. 8:33 PM _________________________________________
I UPDATED!!! And not a half-hearted doodle comic, either! In fact, I kind of like this one. Show's quite a bit of Kaden's
personality, and Marina actually tries to help, for once ... Hahaha, I'm happy for myself, I updated. Yay!
- Ami
SATURDAY, January 28th, 2006. 9:29 PM _________________________________________
New Years!
And perhaphs Happy New Update Finally? But this comic sucks, man, I think I'm losing it. Anyway, thing'll
be quiet for the next week. Got science fair project presentations on Monday, then my Macbeth project for Monday as
well, and then a math test on Tuesday ... and other stuff like piano stuck in there as well. Hope you guys don't hate
me! Not really sure when the next update will be ... hopefully soon. If you have any ideas, please send them to
me! Credit will go to you, of course.
Keep clicking on the Ochiba link!
- Ami
FRIDAY, January 6th, 2006. 9:26 PM _________________________________________ Hahaha,
I am so SAD. I haven't updated a comic for over a month, now. I might have to put this site on hiatus because
I've been so absent! It's the holidays, and I still don't have enough time to get on the comp to draw a comic. I'll
probably end up doing a Christmas and New Years comic in February ... oi. Keep clicking on the Ochiba.net link to support
me ... yay!
- Ami
FRIDAY, December 30th, 2005. 9:58 PM _________________________________________ [Sobs some more] But no, I'm not sobbing out of sadness, I'm sobbing out of joy!!!
Why? Because I updated!! [Does jumping jacks] Yeah, but it's only a cover ... [sobs]. I'm supposed to be doing homework
... but I did this instead [shifty eyes]. Don't tell anyone ...
[Sneaks away]
- Ami
WEDNESDAY, December 14th, 2005. 9:03 PM _________________________________________ [Sobs
some more] I think about this site every day, and how deprived it is... it's so lonely. When was the last
time I actually updated? [Scrolls down]. Wow. November 25th. What's that? 20 days ago? I'm mid-way
into the cover that was due almost a month ago ... Oi. Homeworks a drag, but it's understandable... right? Just
coming in to say a little hello ... see that little Ochiba.net picture up there? Support me by just visiting it.
My 'kakis are on there, but they suck, okay? If I get enough people to click on it, I'll win money and giant pocky.
And if I do, I'll probably draw a really, really cool GIF (animation) or something!! Support me please!
- Ami
TUESDAY, December 13th, 2005. 8:00PM _________________________________________
So sorry I haven't been updating ... things will be getting a bit rough here until Christmas. Psychoanalysis, science
quizzes, church stuff, and other ... pain. I'm just telling you I'm alive (barely), so hang in there ... [SOB!!]
- Ami
TUESDAY, December 6th, 2005. 8:39PM _________________________________________ Update
Power!!!! Yeah [ahem]. The first chapter of the "If Nothing was ..." mini series. Just to let you know,
these chapters won't be consecutive or anything... it's nothing really "apart" from N:KM. If you don't know what "If
Nothing were ... a Teacher" is by the title, then I'll explain it to you. Basically, I take the characters and put them
in different jobs, or something... yeah ... enjoy [shifty eyes].
- Ami
FRIDAY, November 25th, 2005. 10:44PM _________________________________________ Wow.
Was the last time I updated October 12th? How time flies, geez. Sorry I haven't been updating. Homework
has been eating my soul.
Got a comic page up, I hope it doesn't offend anyone ... [sweatdrop]. I
also have a new question up, today. Just to let you dudes know, I'll probably update every Friday or so, depending on
some circumstances (circumstances that eat my soul!!)
- Ami
FRIDAY, November 18th, 2005. 10:56PM _________________________________________
SO. MUCH. LINKING!!!! Gaah ... just three pages of comics takes so much
work. And ... Arms. Like. NOODLES! I was doing babysitting at the nursery at my church today, and this kid wanted
me to hold her a bunch. Real cute baby, but my arms got really sore ... ANYWAY. This comic includes a guest star!!
My friend HyperAnimeKittyGirl asked me to draw a comic with her hyper anime kitty girl in it ... so, yeah. Go check
it out! If you want to see more drawings of the hyper anime kitty girl by HyperAnimeKittyGirl, please go to the fan
art section and the link will take you to her Deviant Art account.
- Ami
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 2005. 10:56PM _________________________________________ Okay,
I added a cover, but I hate it [sweatdrop]. It's RPG style ... but it sucks, anyway .... oh well, I don't care!!
Hehhee ... well, you enjoy it then.
I think I'm late, but, "Happy Birthday, Rei-sama's little brother!!" Enjoy
your Beyblade mangas! Or, "Sheng ri qui le"... Happy birthday in Chinese I think.
- Ami
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 2005. 10:54PM _________________________________________ Truly
amazing: I have no homework, and it's the long weekend. I should be zipping across the ceiling! I have two comics
for you, FINALLY. I'll be working on a cover now, so expect that soon ... yes, we're in the 1000s!! That means it'll be
a longer interval between cover posts. 1111, 2222 ... I'll have to wait for 1000 hits. Thanks so much, folks!
Later days!
- Ami
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 2005. 10:54PM _________________________________________ [Sweatdrop]
Yeah ... um ... it's time for me to draw another cover, and I'm outta ideas. I'll probably have to draw another one
of those "based on another character" drawings where they're in somone else's clothing ...
Thanks for givin' me a 1000 hits. I really need to get a bunch of comics
up, 'cause ... well, three covers in a row sucks.
I added fan art; go check!
Later days,
- Ami
MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 2005. 8:28 PM _________________________________________
Friday!! Finally, I got a chance to upload a comic ... sorry things have been a bit slow, folks. It's only one
page, so I hope I'll get some more comics up 'cause I have some ideas. Look out for a mini-series called "If Nothing
was ... ". I'm not going to tell you what it is, exactly, because it's a surprise!!
- Ami
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 2005. 9:43 PM _________________________________________ Oi.
Finally, Friday. I've had three tests, already... science is one, of course.
Anyway!! I added two more comics - Halloween related.
Have fun with it.
I have a few more ideas that I'm hoping to elaborate enough to get it on digital
- Ami
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 2005. 11:08 PM _________________________________________ 9:19:
Added the cover ... !! No Name's all yellow 'an funny looking!!
Sorry I haven't been updating ... been so busy [cough]science[cough].
I've finally finished driver's ed. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Um... yeah, I'd better go work on another cover (thanks for the 888 hits, nice!!!).
I hope I'll make it to 1111 hits. You guys'll do that for me, right? Right??
- Ami
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23th, 2005. 1:43 PM _________________________________________
hee! Ignore the bottom part of this update, for I have uploaded three comics!! Well, the third is just one of those
ending pictures, but whatever. This one is dedicated to Rei-sama's younger brother!! He's lucky as well, 'cause
his comic is my 50th comic, wooo!! Celebrate good times, come on! [Sing, lala].... yeah, well enjoy the new comics!
I'm going to go add two more questions, so check out those ones, too!
Waaai ... I'm so sorry I haven't been updating!!
There's already been 70 people here since the last time I've updated ... I've been so busy!! I even have two interview questions
I still haven't uploaded. So whoever sent me a question and wasn't posted, then don't fret, I haven't forgotten about you.
And I had gotten a request from Rei-sama's brother to draw a certain comic, and I haven't gotten around to doing THAT yet!!
[Cry, cry] I'll try and get to doing a comic, but I have so much homework ... midterms coming up.
That was a long update about doing nothing ...
- Ami
MONDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 2005. 8:15 PM _________________________________________ Yaaaay,
777 hits ... wooo .... !
This calls for an iPod inspired cover! What do I mean? Well, go check
it out yourself.
Thanks again!
- Ami
MONDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 2005. 2:16 PM _________________________________________
Thansgiving!! Well, it's not that time yet ... but I just made a short comic and Marina preparing thanksgiving dinner!!
Please enjoy my comic, and your turkey dinner!!
... it's close to 50 comics and my 777th hit!! Love you guys.
- Ami
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 2005. 9:58 PM _________________________________________ Okay,
uploaded two more comic pages ... Lita-sama's (creator of Marina) birthday was yesterday!! Happy birthday, Lita-sama!!
[Hugs] Oh yeah, and there's another question in the Interview section.
- Ami
MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 2005. 10:02 PM _________________________________________
so sorry I haven't been drawing anything!!! But finally, I have!! Two comics. I've been so bogged down with
homework ... and I'm gonna go on a spiritual retreat this weekend. Hopefully next week I'll have more time to draw!!
- Ami
THURSDAY, September 29, 2005. 10:21PM _________________________________________ I
got two more fan art!! They're really cute.
- Ami
PS. Gotta study, gotta study!!
THURSDAY, September 22, 2005.
8:51 PM _________________________________________
10:14 : I got two more wonderful questions from some visitors! Go check 'em out in the
Interview page!
9:41 : Done the cover ... I like this one! Probably 'cause Kaden has a tie ... I love ties ...
'cause they lead to business suits. Neee! Go see No Name with a bow-tie.
Thanks for the triple number hits! Even though it's a bad number for me ... hehehe. I'll get working on
a cover!
- Ami
WEDNESDAY. September 21, 2005. 8:29 PM _________________________________________ [Is sad and has no time]
Got two questions, and I put 'em up! I want to draw comics -- but I have no time!
- Ami
TUESDAY. September 20, 2005. 9:17 PM _________________________________________
I changed an answer in the interview section. It's the answer to the one where someone asked if they were a romantic
couple or just living together. I made Marina super mad and denied all truth, but I changed it to a more evasive answer
because I hate characters who deny that they like each other [Cough]InuYashaKagome[Cough].
SUNDAY. September 19, 2005. 9:20 PM _________________________________________
Uploaded another comic. Gotta go, though! Gonna go play Mahjong.
- Ami
FRIDAY. September 16, 2005. 8:59 PM _____________________________________________ [Sigh] Sorry, people
... I haven't updated in forever. I'm bogged down with homework -- but after tomorrow, I'll draw some comics because
... it's FRIDAY!! Woooo ... I have a science test tomorrow ... endoplasmic reticulums, chloroplasts, hydrolyctic
enxymes, oh my! If you had any idea what I said ... well, you've either taken the subject (science), or you're smart.
Kudos either way.
I'm going to get ... [Drum role] ... my learner's license. Yup, passed my vision and written test in the past two
days. Woooo ... gonna go driving. Enough talking ... maybe I should just start a blog?? NO! NEVER!!!
BLOGGING IS JUST FOR COMPLAINING!!! No offence to any bloggers out there. I've been studying so long that
I just need to talk ... I don't even think people read the updates.
- Ami
THURSDAY. September 15, 2005. 8:32 PM _____________________________________________ Quick update, I'm
missing my show (Malcolm in the Middle ... yes, I watch that show every night, I love it, so sue me) by 10 minutes ... yeah.
Uploaded two random comics, yaaay!
Um. Yeah. Happy "September 11th" ... er, not so happy ...
Uh, bye.
- Ami
MONDAY. September 12, 2005. 9:39 PM _____________________________________________ Okay, I totally scewed
up on the "Comic Quick Jump". I always mess up the numbers and stuff. And I always forget to link stuff, sorry
about that. Added a comic, and another question to the interview section. Enjoy, y'all.
- Ami
SATURDAY. September 10, 2005. 9:39 PM _____________________________________________ Because you guys are
my best friends, I made a special "Thanks for the Hits" cover. There're two GIFs on the page, so it might need
to take a while to load and get it up to speed.
Woo, it's Friday. I'm free. To do homework.
Had my first driving simulator today. If I had been in a real car, I would've: ran over a cat, hit seven cars,
and probably a few people, too. Luckily, it was just some screen where a guy drives ... and you follow in your own "CAR".
Yeah, fun. ANYWAY ...
I made another GIF, although non-Nothing related. Even though this is N:KM doesn't mean I won't have pictures of
my own. Yeah, it's in the gallery.
- Ami
FRIDAY. September 9, 2005. 8:54 PM _____________________________________________ Yay! I got
two more questions for the interview section! I love questions ... makes it look like people actually read my comic, heh.
- Ami
WEDNESDAY. September 7, 2005. 8:40 PM _____________________________________________
I know
some of you might be tired of seeing all this stuff about Katrina on the television, but if you could donate, it'd be awesome!!
I just stole this picture of the Red Cross donating site, hahaha. It'll link you to the online donating form.
Back from holidays ... saw Canada's greatest fireworks display.
And ruined my sight and hearing in the process ... nee! Only joking!
Got a comic up, and a did a page on some movies I like (with mini-reviews). I'll be adding to it as I remember/see
more movies.
- Ami
MONDAY. September 4, 2005. 7:27 PM _____________________________________________ Had a few days
of school ... nyaah, I like my teachers though. Not bad.
Anywho, uploaded another comic. Go check it out :3 Gonna be gone 'till Monday. Have a happy Labor Day!
(Woo, right ... uh huh)
Happy birthday, Ryou!
- Ami
FRIDAY. September 2, 2005. 10:45 PM _____________________________________________
Uploaded a comic ... about school! (Duhn, duhn, duuh!) Ah, school's not THAT bad, right? ....
Sorry folks, I screwed something up with the newsletter list, thing, so I need whoever signed up to sign up again ... my
bad, sorry!!
- Ami
WEDNESDAY. Augast 31, 2005. 10:42 AM _____________________________________________ SWEET, man,
I made a GIF!! It's of Marina punching Kaden ... yeah, I couldn't resist ... ! I'm so proud of it, though!! Go to the
gallery to check it out.
I've added a new feature ... a newsletter list!! Wooo ... yeah, right, so exciting, yeah? Go to "Contact Me" and
read the stuff there ...
I add a picture in the gallery. Woot.
- Ami
TUESDAY. Augast 30, 2005. 7:07 PM _____________________________________________ *Does
a dance*
Someone sent me another question for the characters! It was a crazy question ... but good!! It was GOOD. Yes
I also got another cover up, yup, thanks for the 444 hits! =^_^= I totally screwed up on Marina, though ... I hope
no one notices ... *shifty eyes*
Anyway ... I'm gonna get working on another page, so keep checking daily!
Later days,
- Ami
SUNDAY. Augast 28, 2005. 4:02 PM _____________________________________________ I got two comics
up, yay!! I tried a different pixel width for the lineart, so it's thinner ... not sure if it looks better, though.
Erm, I'm not gonna be here the rest of the week, peeps, sorry. Going with a friend out to their grandma's house,
then I'm doing Midnight Madness. Wanna know what it is? It's where you play computer for 8 hours at a place where
they have a network of computers set up ... LAN internet stuff. You start playing games at 12:00 AM (or before, but
it officially starts at midnight), and you play until 8:00 AM ... I'm gonna be playing Counter Strike: Source most of the
time, 'cause I love sniping (it was sniping that inspired the pizza comic xD)
Well, chou!
- Ami
TUESDAY. Augast 23, 2005. 11:55 AM _____________________________________________ Sorry,
folks, I haven't been doing much ... I've been really busy squeezing in as much fun events as I can before school starts.
I've done a pin-up, so it's posted, and a short comic before that. I have some comics in the process of being drawn,
so hopefully I'll have those done soon.
Later days!
- Ami
MONDAY. Augast 22, 2005. 1:17 PM ________________________________________________ Phweeeee!!! :x
Someone sent No Name Product a question!! Go to the interview section ... now. >: )
- Ami
WEDNESDAY. Augast 17, 2005. 10:46 AM
__________________________________________________- =___= I fixed up the Link Me page ... stupid Tripod won't
let people take pictures xD ... yeah, well, I guess it prevents art thieft ... that's good ... I guess ......................................
- Ami
TUESDAY. Augast 16, 2005. 12:00 PM
Okie, I uploaded three more comics, go check 'em out, 'kay?
- Ami
MONDAY. Augast 15, 2005, ?:?? PM
There, cover four. There's two covers in a row, can you believe it?? Geeee. I guess I shouldn't call
'em covers ... more like, thank you pages. Maybe I'll put some comics in between to make it look more organized.
The cover was Harry Potter inspired (I'm currently reading the Half-Blood Prince) ... I had fun with the "Nothing" title.
Kaden looks like James Potter xD
SUNDAY. Augast 14, 2005, 8:23 PM
Fine, fine, 333 hits, so here comes another cover v_v;;;
But I'm lovin' you guys for the hits =^____^= *Huggles*
I added another piece of fan art!
- Ami
SATURDAY. Augast 13, 2005, 11:43 PM
I added three more pages of comic ... and I added two pics in the gallery, and my 9 year old brother gave me "fan
art" xD.
Keep those hits coming ^_^
FRIDAY. Augast 12, 2005, 1:00 PM
THERE. I drew ANOTHER cover >_< How you slave me so.
- Ami
WEDNESDAY. Augast 10, 2005, 9:21 PM
Yikes, you guys ... I make pictures for every triple digit number with all the same througought (111, 222, 333,
444) ... I already made one yesterday, now you're making me do it again.
Good job. >: ) Anywho, I added three comics (finally xD).
I got a fan art!!!!!!!! It's so wonderful!! No, for real. It's so beautifiul!! The artist draws
better than me xD.
T^T Ne, it's so pretty!!
- Ami
WEDNESDAY. Augast 10, 2005, 8:30 PM
THANKS FOR THE 111 HITS!!! I thought I wouldn't make it, haha.
- Ami
MONDAY. Augast 8, 2005, 1:08 PM ___________________________________________________
Yo peeps.
Keep those hits coming! Can't wait until 111 =^_^=.
Weeeeeee!!! I added ... two more, today!
- Ami
SATURDAY. July 22, 2005, 1:47 AM
Woo! OnlineComic.net has just accepted my comic, and two people have added it to their favourite list =^___^=
16 people have visited it, so that explains the sudden 20 person jump on the counter, woo, I'm so happy!!
Thanks all you supporters out ther, yay! This is nothing (giggle) compared to the other comics like Cascadia and
Aoi House, but it's good enough for me!!
Keep visiting, yo!
- Ami
TUESDAY. July 19, 2005, 9:47 PM
Um ... yeah ... I'm not gonna say an update whenever I upload a comic page, even thought that technically IS updating
the site. I hate writing in this spot, so yeah >_>
- Ami
MONDAY. July 18, 2005, I have no idea what time, because I forgot to put the date.
Yeah, I'm a basement dweller (the area of the computer), so I did three more pages and fixed up some of the links
and stuff ... I added the Link Me page, but tripd.com doesn't let people copy images off their sites, so I'm going to have
to figure out a way to let people take the link buttons.
- Ami
THURSDAY. July 14, 2005, 12:28 PM
The most recent updates will be at the top, folks.
Okay! I fixed up the site ... and I added three pages of the comic, plus a cover.
Yeah, go me. Woo.
- Ami
WEDNESDAY. July 13, 2005. 8:57 PM
All right.
I'm not going to say when I will update. I'm not going to make promises, like all those other online comic artists
who come running up to you and say: "I'm sorry I was away on vacation!! Sorry you had to wait for the character to reveal
Nope, I'm not that kind of person ... but I'm not saying I won't update ever ... >_>
- Ami
TUESDAY. July 12, 2005. 5:12 PM
© 2005 - 2006 and still going! All rights reserved... or else.
Unauthorized use of my comics or anything off this site (unless if I say it's free) for your
own reasons shall leave you in Kaden and Marina's care ... and I'll arm them both with a blender, a spork, two rolls of duct
tape, and a camera.
Isn't nothing ... so great?