This is the area where you can:
Flame me.
Critisize me.
Compliment me.
And give me suggestions.
Please try and refrain from number 1. Or else I will have to hunt you down. And if you have a sudden urge
to carry out number 2, please make it constructive. Or else I will have to hunt you down.
If you want, you can be put on a mailing list. Just make "Mailing List" ,or something of the sort, as the reason
for e-mailing me, and I'll send you an e-mail every time I upload a comic. You can be removed any time; just put "Remove
Mail", or something of the sort, in the reason for e-mailing me.
___________________________________________________ If you have your own characters that you have (this inludes yourself),
I can fit them into a one page comic. You can either give me your own plot for it, or you can leave it up to me.
PLEASE give me their personality/personalities, and a picture of them. A description will do, but don't expect me to
draw whatever image you have in your head ... I'm not pyschic.
Also, if you would like Marina and/or Kaden to do something, please suggest your idea to me.
Later days!
- Ami