Just stuff ... stuff I draw.
Note: Clicking on the picture will bring up a new browser window, as well as a bigger, and clearer picture.
This is a full body picture of Kaden. And yes, he is supposed to have
a skull on his shirt. For the comic, I'm too lazy to draw different (everytime I draw Kade with his skull shirt, the
skull's expression has to always be different) skulls each time. As for covers ... I forget to add the skull. Bad, Ami. _________________________________________________

I actually like this picture of Marina. Grrr ... I can never draw people with their arms crossed!! It's
such a pain to draw. I have trouble with full body pictures, so don't sue me or anything if the pics are bad.

No Name is fun to draw! Erm ... yeah, he was fun ...

This was an entry for an oekaki contest -- the upside down contest (d'uh). It was fun to draw.
'Cept it was difficult 'cause you had to draw the picture upside down, you're not allowed to flip it after drawing it right
side up. ___________________________________________________
Yay! I've always wanted to make an animation of someone punching someone else! (I have high ambitions,
huh) Yeah, I suck at drawing accurate anatomy, so the punch by Marina is kinda weird. It's choppy 'cause I used
Photoshop to make the GIF ... I don't have flash, and if I had it anyway, I would not be able to figure out how to use it
... I'm proud of this one, though! _________________________________________________
Another GIF animation done in Photoshop. It's for a friend, and I couldn't get it on the web any other
way so I had to use my site. This is of her Roleplaying Character, and mine. The first one is her's, who's
name is Luthi, and the second one's mine, and his name is Griffin (Kaden and Marina are also in this RP, and annoy the
pants of these two). Please enjoy!
An animation I've wanted to duplicate after seeing Yami Bakura do it once. People have commented that it looks
like Kaden is lifting weights, or something, hehe, I guess it does look like that. Enjoy, anyway!